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New Kentucky Election Finance Management System (KEFMS)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The new Kentucky Election Finance Management System (KEFMS) is ready to receive your Statement of Spending Intent filing. Please use the Frequently Asked Questions below to get started.

To use the new KEFMS, you will need to have a Single Sign On (SSO) account or register for an account during the process.

KEFMS Frequently Asked Questions​​ ​(Updated 12/15​/2022)​​

Selecting one or more of the category buttons below will narrow the FAQs to your selection:​

Getting Started

Step-by-step instructions for creating your Single Sign On (SSO) are below. 
You will need to go to the Registration Page to create a user account. 
    • On the Login page, Left-Click on the Sign-Up link.
    • Enter your account information and click the Complete Registration button at the bottom of the page.
    • An Activate your account email will be sent to the email used when registering.
      • Open your account activation email (If you are unable to locate the email, check your SPAM/JUNK folder).
      • Click on the activation link in the activation email.
    • You have successfully created a user account. 
    • You may now go to your KEFMS Dashboard. ​

​Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard as the Candidate to link your Login Account to a new Candidate Record.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • An Authenticate New Candidate page will appear.
    • Select the I am a new candidate button.
    • On the New Candidate page, enter your candidate information.
      • Required fields are as follows:
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Date of Birth
        • County of Residence
        • Mailing Address/Home Address
        • Work Contact Number
        • Home or Cell Contact Number
        • Email Address
      • Click the Submit button.
    • The Candidate Dashboard page will appear.

​Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard as the Candidate to link your SSO Login Account to your Candidate Record.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • An Authenticate New Candidate page will appear.
    • Select the I am a previous candidate button.
    • On the Search Webpage, search for an existing candidate.
      • By Candidate ID (minimum 3 Chr), or
      • By First Name, Last Name, and DOB
    • If the Candidate Not Found page appears, contact KREF immediately so our staff can link your account with your Candidate ID.
    • The Candidate Dashboard page will appear.

​Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard as the Committee to link your SSO Login Account to your Committee Record.

NOTE: For access to an existing committee record, you must be the designated Chairperson or granted access through the Political Organization Registration (POR) process. Please contact KREF if unable to access previous Chairperson's SSO account.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • A Find Committee page will appear.​
    • Verify your First and Last Name and Left-Click on Next button.
    • ​The Confirm New Committee page will appear.​
    • ​Left-Click on the Continue button.
    • Complete the New Committee electronic form by entering all the required fields information.
    • Left-Click the Continue button.
    • Review entered information
      • If no errors:
        • eSign at the bottom of the page.
        • Check the “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click on the Chairperson Sign Intent button.
      • If errors:
        • Left-Click on the Edit Intent button on the bottom.
        • Edit information and Left-Click the Continue button.
        • eSign at the bottom of the page.
        • Check the “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click on the Chairperson Sign Intent button.
    • The treasurer invitation is sent to the Treasurer's email address.
    • Once the Treasurer also eSigns the Political Organization Registration, it will be sent to KREF for review and approval.
Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard as the Committee to link your SSO Login Account to your Committee Record.​

​Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard as the Chairperson to link your SSO Login Account to your Committee Record.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • Left-Click on the Find Committee in the left navigation.
    • A Find Committee page will appear.
    • Enter Chairperson First Name.
    • Enter Chairperson Last Name.
    • Enter Filer Id.
    • Left-Click on Next button.
    • The Verify Committee page will appear.
    • Verify Committee Number and Committee Name.
      • If the information is correct.
        • Left-Click on Yes, Link my login account to this committee record button.
      • If the information is not correct.
        • Left-Click on No, this is not me button.
        • Left-Click on Find Committee button and repeat the process.
Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard as the Chairperson to link your SSO Login Account to your Committee Record.​

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard (Candidate Access)

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • Your Candidate Dashboard will display with the following:
      • Top Left
        • Login Name with the option to Logout
      • Left Navigation
        • Home Link (returns to the main Dashboard)
      • Main Content Area - Left
        • Candidate Information
          • Edit link to update certain information
      • Main Content Area - Top Right
        • Election per Office Sought Area
          • Listed by Filer ID number
      • Main Content Area - Bottom Right
        • Button to create a new Statement of Spending Intent (for use when running for a new office)

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard (Treasurer Access)

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button
    • Your Treasurer Dashboard will display with the following:
      • Top Left
        • Login Name with the option to Logout
      • Main Content Area 
        • List of associated Candidates
          • List of Filings for which you accepted being the Treasurer

​Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

  1. LOGIN (as Chairperson or Treasurer)
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button
    • Your Committee Dashboard will display with the following:
      • Top Left
        • Login Name with the option to Logout
      • Left Navigation
        • Selectable Candidate linked to login account
        • Selectable Committe Names linked to login account
      • Main Content Area - Left
        • Committee Information
      • Main Content Area - Top Right
        • Associated Filing Intent Area
          • Listed by Filer ID number
      • Main Content Area - Bottom Right
        • Reports area
          • List of required Financial Statements

Candidates Filing​ Statement of ​Spending ​Intent​​

Step-by-step instructions for filing your electronic Statement of Spending Intent are below.

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard to file your Statement of Spending Intent.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The Candidate Dashboard page will appear.
    • On the Candidate Dashboard home page, Left-Click on the Start a Statement of Spending Intent button at the top right corner of the main content area.
      • Complete sections 2 - 5.
      • Left-Click on Confirm Intent button.
      • A Statement of Spending Intent Candidate Confirmation page will appear.
      • Review entered information.
        • If no errors:
          • eSign at the bottom of the page
          • Check the "I certify...." disclaimer checkbox.
          • Left-Click the Candidate Sign Intent button.
        • If errors:
          • L​eft-Click Edit Intent button.
          • Make the necessary updates.
          • Left-Click on Confirm Intent button.
          • A Statement of Spending Intent Candidate Confirmation page will appear.
          • eSign at the bottom of the page
          • Check the "I certify...." disclaimer checkbox.
          • Left-Click the Candidate Sign Intent button.
      • If the Candidate is the Treasurer:
        • The Statement of Spending Intent will be sent to KREF for review and approval.
      • If the Candidate is not the Treasurer:
        • A treasurer invitation to sign the Statement of Intent will be sent to the Treasurer.
        • Once the Treasurer also eSigns the Statement of Spending Intent, it will be sent to KREF for review and approval.

​Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard to file your Statement of Spending Intent.​

Returning Candidate
Watch Video Instructions

First Time Candidate
Watch Video Instructions​​​

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard to print your Statement of Spending Intent.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.​
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The Candidate Dashboard page will appear.
    • Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper​ right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Intent option.
    • The Statement of Spending Intent will appear in your browser.
    • Left-Click on the Download button at the bottom of the page.
    • A PDF version of your Statement of Spending Intent will download to your default download folder.
    • On the Candidate Dashboard home page, find the Filer ID number associated with your Approved Statement of Spending Intent in the top right corner of the main content area.
    • Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Intents option.
    • A list of the Intent and its amendments for the selected Filer ID number will appear.
    • Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Intent option.
    • The Statement of Spending Intent will appear in your browser.
      • Left-Click on the Download button at the bottom of the page.
      • A PDF version of your Statement of Spending Intent will download to your default download folder.
Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard ​to print your Statement of Spending Intent.

Watch Video Instructions

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard to amend your Statement of Spending Intent.

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The Candidate Dashboard page will appear.
    • On the Candidate Dashboard home page, find the Filer ID number associated with your Statement of Spending Intent in the Top Right of the main content area.
    • Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Intents option.
    • A list of the Intent and its amendments for the selected Filer ID number will appear.
    • Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Intent option.
    • The Statement of Spending Intent will appear.
    • Left-Click the Amend Intent button at the bottom of the page.
      • Update sections 2 - 5 and needed.
      • In the Amendment Reason, add a reason for the Amendment.
    • Left-Click the Confirm Amendment to Intent button.
    • An Amended Statement of Spending Intent Candidate Confirmation page will appear.
    • Review the entered information.
      • If no errors:
        • eSign at the bottom of the page
        • Check the "I certify...." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click the Candidate Sign Intent button.
      • If errors:
        • Left-Click Edit Intent button.
        • Make necessary updates.
        • Left-Click on Confirm Intent button.
        • A Statement of Spending Intent Candidate Confirmation page will ​appear.
        • eSign at the bottom of the page.
        • Check the "I certify...." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click the Candidate Sign Intent button.
    • If the Candidate is the Treasurer:
      • The Statement of Spending Intent will be sent to KREF for review and approval.
    • If the Candidate is not the Treasurer:
      • A Treasurer Invitation to sign the Statement of Intent will be sent to the Treasurer.
      • Once the Treasurer also eSigns the Statement of Spending Intent, it will be sent to KREF for review and approval.

Go to the KEFMS Candidate Dashboard to amend your Statement of Spending Intent.

​​​Committees​ Filing​ Political Organization Registration​​​

Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard to file your Political Organization Registration (POR).

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The Committee Dashboard page will appear.
    • On the Committee Dashboard home page, verify your First Name and Last Name and Left-Click Next button.
    • Left-Click the Continue button if your First Name and Last Name is displayed correctly.
    • Complete the New Committee electronic form by entering all the required fields information.
    • Left-Click the Continue button.
    • Review entered information.
      • If no errors:
        • eSign at the bottom of the page.
        • Check the “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click on the Chairperson Sign Intent button.
      • If errors:
        • Left-Click on the Edit Intent button on the bottom.
        • Edit information and Left-Click the Continue button.
        • eSign at the bottom of the page.
        • Check the “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox.
        • Left-Click on the Chairperson Sign Intent button.
    • The treasurer invitation is sent to the Treasurer's email address.
    • Once the Treasurer also eSigns the Political Organization Registration, it will be sent to KREF for review and approval.
Go to the KEFMS Committee Dashboard to file your Political Organization Registration (POR).​

Filing your Financial Reports​

Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The User Dashboard page will appear.
    • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
    • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
    • Locate your report and Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • Left-Click on the Create Statement option.​
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
    • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
    • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
    • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
    • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
    • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
    • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
    • If you do not wish to close out your account,
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature.
      • Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report. 
    • ​If you wish to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
    • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.

Dashboard links below:

CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

  1. LOGIN
    • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
    • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
    • The User Dashboard page will appear.
    • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • A sub-menu will appear.
    • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
    • You will be directed to the​ Current Statements screen. 
    • Locate your report and Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
    • ​​Left-Click on the Create Statement option.
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
    • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
    • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
    • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
    • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right corner.
    • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature​.
    • ​BALANCE TRANSFER WITH DEBT ASSUMPTION (only appears on the latest report if you have a balance)
      • If you have a balance amount to transfer with a debt assumption.
      • Scroll down to the Debt assumption section.
      • Left-Click on the Candidate Loan Debt Amount Assumed field and type in the Candidate loan amount.
      • Left-Click on the Candidate Loan Debt Assumed Date filed and type in the Candidate loan assumed date.
      • Left-Click on the Transfer Amount field and type in the amount you wish to transfer.
      • Left-Click on Transfer to Filer Number field and select the filer number from the dropdown list.
      • Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • If you do not wish to close out your account
        • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature.
        • Left-Click on Submit Report button to submit your report​.
      • If you wish to close out your account.
        • Left-Click on “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" to close out your account.
        • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature.
        • Left-Click on Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.
    • BALANCE TRANSFER WITHOUT DEBT ASSUMPTION (only appears on the latest report if you have a balance)
      • If you have a balance amount to transfer without a debt assumption.
      • Scroll down to the Transfer Amount field.​
      • Left-Click on the Transfer Amount field and type in the amount you wish to transfer.
      • Left-Click on Transfer to Filer Number field and select the filer number from the dropdown list.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your eSignature.​
      • Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.​
      • If you do not wish to close out your account
        • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature.
        • Left-Click on Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • If you wish to close out your account.
        • Left-Click on “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" to close out your account.
        • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature.
        • Left-Click on Submit Report button to submit your report.​
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    NOTE: Contributions/Receipts received the day after the Primary Election Date or later must​​ be added to your General Election filer account unless the account still has debt, is part of a recount or part of some other challenge​.​

    ​​Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​​​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. LOGIN
      • ​Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • If a list of reports is not visible:
        • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
        • A sub-menu will appear.
        • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.​​
        • The Current Statements page will appear. 
      • ​Next to the report, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Statements option.
      • Within the​ Receipts​ section, Left-Click on the +Add button.
        • Alternatively, click the Receipt type link (Example: Itemized​).
      • Add Receipt page will appear.
      • Enter your Receipt Date (Note: Receipt date should be within the reporting period).
      • From the list of Receipt Types, select where the contribution came from (Example: The Candidate).
      • Select whether the contribution was received at a Fundraising Event or Another Location.
        • Note:​ If the Contribution​ is for a Fundraising Event, the event must be added first (Refer FAQs for Adding Events).
      • Select whether the contribution is Monetary or Goods, Advertising or Services.
      • Enter the amount of the contribution in the Contribution Amount field.
      • Left-Click on Save button to save an exit the Receipts.
      • ​If you would like to add another Receipt, Left-Click on Save and Add Another button.
      • If not, Left-Click on Save button to save an exit. 

    Receipts will be saved and ready for report submission.

    ​Contributors added to receipts will be saved to your filer number. You will not have to re-added them for future contributions for the same filing number/​office.​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​​


    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • If a list of reports is not visible:
        • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
        • A sub-menu will appear.
        • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.​​
        • The Current Statements page will appear. 
      • ​Next to the report, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Statements option.​
      • Within the ​Expenditures​ section, Left-Click on the +Add button.
        • Alternatively, click the Expenditure type link (Example: Monetary).​
      • Add Expenditure page will appear.
      • Enter the Expenditure date in the Date field (Note: Expenditure date should be within the reporting period).
      • Enter the Expenditure Amount in the Amount field.
      • Enter the purpose of the Expenditure in the Purpose Field.
      • You may skip the Fundraising Event field if this Expenditure is not for an event.
        • Note: If the Expenditure is for a Fundraising Event, the event must be added first (Refer FAQs for Adding Events.)​
      • Select Person or Business/Organization radio button (Example: Person).​​
      • Person information fields will appear.
      • Enter all the required fields of information.
      • If you would like to add another Expenditure, Left-Click on Save and Add Another button.
      • If not, Left-Click on Save button to save an exit. 

    Expenditures will be saved and ready for report submission.

    ​​​CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​​

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • If a list of reports is not visible:
        • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
        • A sub-menu will appear.
        • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.​​
        • The Current Statements page will appear. 
      • ​Next to the report, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Statements option.
      • Within the​ Eve​nts​ section, Left-Click on the +Add button.
        • Alternatively, click the Event type link (Example: Fundraising).​​​
      • Add Event page will appear.
      • Enter your Event date held from in the Date Held From field. (Note: The date entered should be within the reporting period).
      • Enter the Event date held to in the Date Held To field. (Note: The date entered should be within the reporting period).
      • Enter all the required fields of information.
      • If you would like to add another Event, Left-Click on Save and Add Another button.
      • If not, Left-Click on Save button to save an exit. 

    Events will be saved in your Events section and will show up in the Fundraising Events dropdown list when entering receipts.​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • If a list of reports is not visible:
        • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
        • A sub-menu will appear.
        • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.​​
        • The Current Statements page will appear. 
      • ​Next to the report, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Statements option.​
      • Within the​ In-Kind Given​ section, Left-Click on the +Add button.
        • Alternatively, click the In-Kind Given type link (Example: In-Kind​).​​
      • Add In-Kind Given page will appear.
      • Enter your In-Kind Given date in the Date field  (Note: The In-Kind Given date entered should be within the reporting period​).
      • Enter the In-Kind Given Amount in the Amount field.
      • Enter the purpose of the In-Kind in the Purpose Field.
      • You may skip the Fundraising Event field if this In-Kind Given​ is not for an event.
        • Note: If the In-Kind Given is for a Fundraising Event, the event must be added first (Refer FAQs for Adding Events).
      • ​​Select Person or Business/Organization radio button (Example: Person).
      • Person information fields will appear.
      • Enter all the required fields of information.
      • If you would like to add another In-Kind Given, Left-Click on Save and Add Another button.
      • ​If not, Left-Click on Save button to save an exit. 

    In-Kind Given will be saved and ready for report submission.

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • If a list of reports is not visible:
        • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
        • A sub-menu will appear.
        • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.​​
        • The Current Statements page will appear. 
      • ​Next to the report, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Statements option.​
      • Within the ​Debts, Loan and Obligations​ or Debts, and Obligations ​section, Left-Click on the +Add button.
        • Alternatively, click the Debts, Loans and Obligations or Debts, and Obligations type link (Example: Debts​).​
      • Add Debt page will appear.
      • Enter the Obligation Type in the Obligation Type field. 
      • Enter the date in the Date Incurred field (Note: Debts, Loans or Obligations​ date should be within the reporting period).​
      • Enter the​ Debt amount in the Original Amount field.
        • Note: ​Prior Payment Amount, Payment Made During This Reporting Period and Outstanding Balance ​fields are auto filled by the system.
      • Select Person or Business/Organization radio button (Example: Person).
      • Person information fields will appear.
      • Enter all the required fields information.
      • ​If you would like to add another Debt, Loan or Obligation, Left-Click on Save and Add Another button.
      • If not, Left-Click on Save button to save an exit. 

    Debts, Loans and Obligations will be saved and ready for report submission​.​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)​​

    Requirements for closing ​​​your ​KEFMS Filer Account:

    • Candidate Filers
      • If filer is associated with a Candidate Campaign Committee (CCC), the CCC must be closed first​.
        • Candidate must close their filer account as well to be completely closed.
      • ​​After CCC is closed:
        • ​Filer account may only be closed on your Post-Election or Annual report ​when the reporting date begins.
        • Ending account balance must be $0.00.
        • Ending account ​balance must not be negative.
        • Filer account must not have any outstanding debts, loans, or obligations.​​​​​​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. ​​​LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
      • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
      • Locate your report and Left-Click on Create Statement button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
      • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
      • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
      • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
      • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
      • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
      • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.​​
      • Once approved, your dashboard will display "Filer number closed out" highlighted in red next to the filer number associated with this office.​

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    Requirements for closing ​​​your ​KEFMS Filer Account:

    • ​​Candidate Campaign Committee (CCC) Filers
      • Closing CCC shifts filing responsibility to the Candidate.
        • Candidate must close their filer account as well to be completely closed.
      • ​Ending account balance must not be negative.
      • Filer account may close with ​debts, loans, or obligations, but it will be the Candidate's responsibility after CCC is closed.​​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. ​​​LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
      • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
      • Locate your report and Left-Click on Create Statement button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
      • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
      • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
      • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
      • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
      • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
      • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.​​
      • Once approved, your dashboard will display "Filer number closed out" highlighted in red next to the filer number associated with this office.​

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    Requirements for closing ​​​your ​KEFMS Filer Account:

    • Independent Expenditure-Only Committee (IEC) Filers
      • Filer account may only be closed on your Post-Election or Annual report ​​when the reporting date begins.
      • Ending account balance must be $0.00.
      • Ending account balance must not be negative.
      • Filer Account must not have any outstanding debts, loans, or obligations.​​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. ​​​LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
      • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
      • Locate your report and Left-Click on Create Statement button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
      • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
      • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
      • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
      • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
      • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
      • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.​​
      • Once approved, your dashboard will display "Filer number closed out" highlighted in red next to the filer number associated with this office.​

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    Requirements for closing ​​​your ​KEFMS Filer Account:

    • Issues Committee Filers
      • Filer account​ may only be closed on your Post-Election or Annual report ​when the reporting date begins.
      • ​Ending account balance must be $0.00.
      • Ending account balance must not be negative.
      • Filer account must not have any outstanding debts, loans, or obligations.​​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. ​​​LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
      • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
      • Locate your report and Left-Click on Create Statement button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
      • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
      • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
      • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
      • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
      • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
      • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.​​
      • Once approved, your dashboard will display "Filer number closed out" highlighted in red next to the filer number associated with this office.​

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    Requirements for closing ​​​your ​KEFMS Filer Account:

    • ​Permanent Committee (PAC) Filers
      • Ending account balance must ​be $0.00.
      • Ending account balance must not be negative.
      • Filer account must not have any outstanding debts, loans, or obligations.​​​​

    Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:​

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    1. ​​​LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Dashboard page will appear.
      • Next to the Filer Number, Left-Click on the menu icon (3 vertical dots in the upper right corner).
      • A sub-menu will appear.
      • Left-Click on the View Financial Statements option.
      • You will be directed to the Current Statements screen. 
      • Locate your report and Left-Click on Create Statement button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement screen.
      • You can start entering your receipts, expenditures, debts, loans, and events by clicking the Add button of the appropriate section.
      • Once all transactions are added, you may view the report summary by clicking the View Summary Report button.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page.
      • After reviewing your report summary, Left-Click on the Return to Current Report button to continue.
      • To sign and submit your report, Left-Click on the Next button in the top right.
      • You will be directed to the Financial Statement Review page for signature.
      • Verify your information and scroll down to the Signature field.
      • ​Left-Click on “I certify..." disclaimer checkbox to certify your report.
      • Left-Click on the “I wish to close out my campaign finance account" checkbox to close out your account.
      • Left-Click on the Signature field and type in your name as your eSignature​.
      • ​Left-Click on the Submit Report button to submit your report.
      • The submission will be forwarded for subsequent signatures (as needed) and to KREF for approval.​​
      • Once approved, your dashboard will display "Filer number closed out" highlighted in red next to the filer number associated with this office.​

    Dashboard links below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    You can now start exporting your Receipts, Debts, Loans and Obligations, Expenditures, In-Kind Given, Events, and Contributors.

    • Go to the Financial Statement
    • Left-click on the Export Report button located on the upper left corner of the Financial Statement
    • You will be directed to the Export Records screen
    • Select the Categories you would like to export
    • Left-click the Export Report button
    • You will be directed to the Export Detail screen
    • Under Basic Information, you will see the status “Export complete”
    • To download your report, left-click the Download File button
    • The file will be downloaded to your computer and will be available in your Download folder
    NOTE: To understand the layout of this export, please download ​ Definitions and Examples[XLS, 22KB]

    Managing KEF​MS Single Sign-On (SSO)​ Account​

    ​Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

      • Form the login page, Left-Click on the Reset Password link below the LOG IN button.
      • ​Enter your Username.
      • Check I'm not a robot checkbox.
      • If prompted, select the correct pictures as instructed to proceed.
      • Left-click on the Continue button.
      • A Forgot Password Confirmation page will appear.
      • A Reset Password link will be sent to the email address associated with yo​​ur account.
      • Go to your email application and look for the email from support​​ which has Reset Password in the subject and open it.
      • Left-Click on the password reset link in the email.
      • You will be taken to the Reset Password page.
      • Verify your Username before you continue.
      • Enter New Password and Re-type New Password.
        • If you remember your Security Question answers:
          • Enter your Security Answer 1 and Security Answer 2.
          • Left-Click on Reset Password button.
          • A Reset Password Confirmation page will appear.
          • Left-Click on the Login link. 
          • The Login page will appear.
          • Enter you username and new password to login into your account.
        • If you do not remember your Security Question answers:
          • Click on Reset your security Questions
          • A Forgot Security Questions Confirmation page will appear.
          • An email will be sent to the email address associated with your account.
          • Go to your email application and look for email from with Reset your Security Questions as the subject and open it.
          • Left-Click on the reset security question link in the email.
          • You will be taken to Security Question reset page.
          • Choose a Security Question from the dropdown list and enter your Security Answer 1.
          • Choose another Security Question from the second dropdown list and enter your Security Answer 2.
          • Left-Click on Change Security Question button.
          • A success Reset Security Questions page will appear.
          • Left-Click on Reset Password button.
          • The Reset Password Page will appear.
          • Verify your Username before you continue​.
          • Enter New Password and Re-type New Password.
          • Enter your Security Answer 1 and Security Answer 2.
          • Left-Click on Reset Password button.
          • A Reset Password Confirmation page will appear.
          • Left-Click on the Login link.
          • The Login page will appear.
          • Enter you username and new password to login into your account.​

    ​Go to your dashboard as you would normally using the correct link below:

    CANDIDATE Dashboard (Candidate Access)
    TREASURER Dashboard (Treasurer Access)
    ​COMMITTEE​​ Dashboard (Chairperson/Treasurer Access)

    Go to the Single Sign-on Update Profile to change your email address.

    NOTE:​ The email address associated with your Single Sign-On (SSO)​ account is the verified email where all system and agency communication is sent.

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Profile page will appear. 
      • Look for the email address section in the left navigation.
      • Left-Click on Change button, located under the email address.
      • Enter a valid email address (Example:
      • Enter your password.
      • Left-Click on Change Email Address button.
      • An email will be sent to the new email address for confirmation.​
      • Go to the email application of the new email address (
      • ​Look for the email with a subject of Confirm your new email address and open it.
      • Left-Click on the emial confirmation link to confirm your new email address. 
      • the Account Updated page will appear.
    Go to the Single Sign-on Update Profile to change your email address.​

    ​​Go to the Single Sign-on Update Profile to change/update your display name.

    1. LOGIN
      • Enter Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
      • Left-Click on the LOG IN button.
      • The User Profile page will appear.
      • Change by entering the new display name.
      • Left-Click on Update Profile button.
      • Account Updated page will appear.
    Go to the Single Sign-on Update Profile to change/update your display name​.