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Inaugural Committee

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The 1992 legislation created inaugural committees and charged the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance with regulating inaugural activities. Prior to raising or spending any funds for the inaugural activities of any candidate, the candidate or persons who are raising or spending funds for inaugural activities must register as an Inaugural Committee. An Inaugural Committee is defined as one (1) or more persons who receive contributions and make expenditures in support of inauguration activities for any candidate or slate of candidates elected to any state, county, city or district office.​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​KRS 121.015(3)(f)

Inaugural Committee
YearReportPeriod EndsReport DueDue From
20243rd Quarter report9/30/202410/2/2024All Active Inaugural Committees
20244th Quarter report12/31/20241/3/2025All Active Inaugural Committees
20251st Quarter report3/31/20254/2/2025All Active Inaugural Committees
20252nd Quarter report6/30/20257/2/2025All Active Inaugural Committees
20253rd Quarter report9/30/202510/3/2025All Active Inaugural Committees
20254th Quarter report12/31/20251/2/2026All Active Inaugural Committees
Contribution Limits For Inaugural Committee
  • From an individual: Unlimited 
  • From a corporation: Prohibited
  • From an executive committee: Unlimited 
  • From a caucus campaign committee: Unlimited 
  • From a contributing organization Help : Unlimited 
  • From a permanent committee (PAC) Help : Unlimited 
  • Cash contributions Help : $100.00 per contributor per election
  • Anonymous contributions: $100.00 per contributor per election (Maximum aggregate $2,000 per election)

In-kind and monetary contributions jointly count toward both the “per election” and the “per year” contribution limits.

View all contribution limits

Inaugural Committee​​ FAQ​​​​​

Political Advertising is any advertisement advocating the election or defeat of any candidate, political party, or public issue. For example, Political Advertising would NOT include the announcement of a fish fry sponsored by a political organization unless the advertisement stated that the fish fry endorses a candidate.​
An Inaugural committee means one (1) or more persons who receive contributions and make expenditures in support of inauguration activities for any candidates  or slate of candidates elected to any state, county, city, or district office.  The committee is then responsible for submitting Election Finance Reports as required by KRS 121.180(6)(d).
Any committee which is organized under KRS Chapter 121 shall register with the Registry, by filing official notice of intention at the time of organization, giving names, address, and positions of the officers of the organization and designating the candidate or candidates, or slate of candidates being supported on forms prescribed by the Registry (KRS 121.170 (1)).
A contribution is defined in KRS 121.015(6) as any:  Payment, distribution, loan, deposit, or gift of money or any other thing of value, given to a committee;
A contribution does not include services provided without compensation by individuals volunteering a portion or all of their time on behalf of a committee;
No. According to KRS 121.150(18), no committee, except a political issues committee, nor anyone on their behalf, shall knowingly accept a contribution from a corporation, directly or indirectly, except to the extent that the contribution is designated to a state executive committee's building fund account.
Yes, subject to limitations. According to KRS 121.150(3), no committee shall accept any anonymous contribution in excess of $100.  If an anonymous contribution in excess of $100 is received, the excess must be returned to the donor, if the contributor can be traced.  If the donor cannot be determined, the excess contribution shall escheat to the state for deposit in the election campaign fund.  No committee may accept total anonymous contributions in excess of $2,000 per election.  Any anonymous contributions in excess of the aggregate limit must escheat to the state and be deposited into the election campaign fund.
Duties of a Campaign Treasurer 121.160(2) and Reports required of committees and treasurers 121.180 (6)(a)(b)(c)(d) A committee's treasurer shall designate a depository bank in which the primary account shall be maintained and deposit all contributions in that account. Keep detailed and exact accounts of (1) all contributions from permanent committees, (2) all contributions in excess of $100 by date, name, address, occupation and employer of each contributor, if committee is the sponsor of a statewide candidate it must also include the contributors spouse name, occupation and employer, (3) an aggregate amount of cash contributions, the amount contributed by each contributor, and the date of each contribution; and (4) a complete statement of all expenditures authorized, and incurred or made, including independent expenditures as defined in KRS 121.150 (1). See also KRS 121.170(3)
An Expenditure is a disbursement or an amount paid by the committee by Check 121.160(2)(c)  All expenditures must be made from the inaugural committee's account.   Each expenditure must be recorded to reflect the date, purpose, and amount.  Accurate records must be kept and expenditures in excess of $25 must  be made by check. Expenditures of $25 or more must be itemized to reflect the name, address and occupation of the person to whom the expenditure was paid, as well as the date and purpose of each expenditure.
KRS 121.160(2)(d) The committee's treasurer must retain all receipted bills and records for six (6) years from the date the last report is filed.
The Registry assigns a number to a candidate for each election. This number will be assigned each time the candidate notifies the Registry of his or her intent to run for office. (The Primary and General are separate elections.)