Pursuant to KRS 121.190(1), all newspaper or magazine advertising, posters, circulars, billboards, handbills, sample ballots, and paid-for television or radio announcements which expressly advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate, slate of candidates, or group of candidates for nomination or election to any public office shall be identified by the words "paid for by" followed by the name and address of the individual or committee which paid for the communication; except that if paid for by a candidate, slate of candidates, or campaign committee, it shall be identified only by the words "paid for by" followed by the name of the candidate, slate of
candidates, or campaign committee, whichever is applicable. For television and radio broadcasts, compliance with Federal Communications Commission regulations regarding sponsored programs and broadcasts by candidates for public office shall be considered compliance with this section.
NEVER USE “Paid for by Candidate.” This is an inappropriate disclaimer.
Examples of Correct Political Advertising Disclaimers:
Candidate Joe Smith or someone from the Joe Smith Campaign Committee purchases an advertisement:
Paid for by Joe Smith or Paid for by Committee to Elect Joe Smith
A group of candidates purchase an advertisement which clearly identifies the office each candidate seeks:
Paid for by Joe Smith, Sally Smith, Mary Contrary, James Jones,
Billy Jack, Phil Simpson, Polly Carter, and Lilly Adams
Each candidate/campaign must write a check directly to the newspaper for his/her portion of the advertising cost. One candidate is NOT allowed to pay the entire advertising cost and later have the other candidates reimburse the candidate.
A Franklin County Executive Committee purchases an advertisement:
Paid for by
Franklin County Democratic Executive Committee
300 Frankfort Avenue Frankfort, KY 40601
Private citizen Jane Smith purchases an advertisement to support a candidate:
Paid for by
Jane Smith
700 Walnut Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Jane Smith and her two sisters purchase an advertisement to support a candidate:
Paid for by
Jane Smith; 700 Walnut Street; Frankfort, KY 40601
Mary Smith; 22 Maple Street; Frankfort, KY 40601
Sara Smith; 41 Oak Street; Frankfort, KY 40601