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ATTENTION - Delinquent Filers

Pursuant to KRS 121.120(6)(i), if any candidate, slate of candidates, committee, or contributing organization does not submit the required campaign finance reports electronically by the applicable filing deadline, and are therefore in violation of campaign finance law, the Registry shall publish the candidate, slate of candidates, committee, or contributing organization's name as a delinquent filer until such time as the campaign finance report is properly filed. 

Here are the current lists​ of delinquent filers by type (updated 10/14/24): 

Candidate Delinquency List

Candidate Campaign Committee Delinquency List

Committee Delinquency List

2024 General Election Independent Expenditures, Updated October 11, 2024

​Here are the independent expenditure reports submitted to date for the 2024 general election: ​​​2024 General IEs 20241011.


​Printed advertising and communications paid for by a campaign should contain the following disclaimer using the candidate's name: "Paid for by John Doe."  

If the campaign has registered a committee named “Committee to Elect Jane Doe,” for example, the disclaimer for printed advertising and communications paid for by the committee on behalf of the candidate would read: "Paid for by The Committee to Elect Jane Doe."



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